Monday, December 7, 2009

UM Woodsman Team

Chopping, sawing, and climbing are all part of game for the University of Montana Woodsman Team. Reporter Katrina Heser and I learned what the team is all about and how their competitions are helping to keep old Montana traditions alive.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Clintons Promote a Smoke Free Campus

The Clintons played a free concert on the University of Montana campus celebrating the ban on smoking in all Montana bars, casinos, and restaurants. Band members John McLellan and Josh Keehr teamed up with the IGNITE program encouraging the movement toward a smoke free campus. Reporter Katrina Heser and photographer Daniel Ryan tuned in to hear the message behind the music.

Monday, September 28, 2009

SpectrUM Discovery Area

Slime, eyeballs, and giant noses help teach kids about science at the University of Montana's SpectrUM Discovery Area. The interactive science museum is currently showcasing the Hands on Health exhibit, which educates kids about health and exercise science. Reporter Marnee Banks and photographer Daniel Ryan explored SpectrUM and the current exhibit.

Monday, September 21, 2009

UM Technology Upgrade

A change in technology across campus classrooms is changing the way professors teach. The project will cost nearly $1.9 million and is scheduled to be completed by the 2015 school year. Reporter Daniel Ryan found out how the change is benefiting professors and enhancing their course content.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Live at Five Intro

This is the intro I created for our Live at Five newscasts. It is about a 10 second intro with a minute of background music.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Washing the Dishes

The assignment for this piece was to shoot a piece that involved washing the dishes.  The catch was I couldn't cut any voiceover so all the narration had to be done through interviews.  What I came up with was a little glimpse into the dish situation among my roommates.

CBS Morning News Promo

This was just a little class project we did to work on promotion. My group was assigned to promote a morning news show on CBS. Our show had a very strong older viewership and the show needed to attract younger viewers. This is our 30 second spot that we came up with in a 2 hour time period.